IGNOREPATH=/boot:/dev:/home:/mnt:/proc:/root:/tmp:/usr/src:/var/ax25:/var/log:/var/spool/cron STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y VERSION=2.1.5 PROGNAME="fftw" DESC="FFTW is a free collection of fast C routines for \n\ computing the Discrete Fourier Transform in one or more \n\ dimensions. It includes complex, real, symmetric, and parallel\n\ transforms, and can handle arbitrary array sizes efficiently." ARCH=i486 BUILD=2 MAINTAINER="Arno Verhoeven <pe1icq@sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl>" SOURCE="http://www.fftw.org" LOCATION="http://sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pub/slackware/slackware-current_ham_updates/extra/ham/digital/" # package name PKGNAME=$PROGNAME-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD compile() { cd $TMP tar zxvf $CWD/$PROGNAME-$VERSION.tar.gz cd $PROGNAME-$VERSION ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared make } install() { cd $TMP/$PROGNAME-$VERSION make install mkdir -p /usr/doc/$PROGNAME-$VERSION cp AUTHORS COPYRIGHT ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README* TODO /usr/doc/$PROGNAME-$VERSION } special() { # Generate a slack-desc file # output the package name first for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 do echo "$PROGNAME:" >> $TMP/leftside done # now place the description in a file echo -e "$DESC" > $TMP/rightside # combine the two paste -d ' ' $TMP/leftside $TMP/rightside > $CTL/slack-desc rm -rf $TMP/leftside $TMP/rightside } subpacks() { echo "no sub-packages..." }