History of HTML Help
* = Added feature
! = Bug Fixed
~ = Changed
Version 1.0 10/16/1998
* Initial release.
Version 2.0 01/12/2000
* Code cleanup.
* Rewrote some code.
~ Changed help files so they can link to one another.
Version 2.1 04/02/2000
! Fixed bug that when you viewed a command from the command line, the
program crashed.
! Fixed the memory allocation bug.
Version 3.0 04/03/2000
* Added the bold command and . Bold is displayed in white text.
* Added the
commands. -- Brian E. Reifsnyder.
Version 3.0a 04/27/2000 (Never released)
* Added the
~ Seriously updated many of the HTML files.
~ Added the FreeDOS history.
Version 3.1 05/5/2000
* Added the italics command and . Italics is displayed in
gray text.
~ Updated rest of the HTML files so they have loads of information.
Version 3.2 05/21/2000
* Bob Stammers added keyboard support (Tab key goes between topics).
~ Bob also changed the italic text to magenta so it would contrast better.
~ Updated the Replace help file.
Version 4.0 07/24/2000
! The bug that cut off the first letter in the status bar was fixed
(thanks again Brian).
* When you press the back button, it goes back a topic.
~ Updated the Defrag help file.
~ Updated the FreeDOS history.
! Cleaned up some of the keyboard functions.
Version 4.1 10/11/2000
! Fixed bug that crashed help if more than 1 help command was entered on
the command line.
~ Updated the FreeDOS history.
~ Updated the Debug help file.
~ Updated the Fastopen help file.
* Julien Etelian has updated all the HTML files so they can be viewed
with any web browser as well as HTML Help.
* Added ScanDisk help file.
~ Updated the Defrag help file.
Version 4.2 12/10/2001
* Added cd.htm, md.htm, and rd.htm.
! Fixed nasty bug which crashed HTML help after a while (thanks Jeremy).
~ Updated the FreeDOS History.
~ Made the display better on monochrome monitors.
~ Updated the files with my new email address.
~ Updated the XKeyb documentation.