This is the release history for HELP: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.4a: Added, contributed by achim_sondermann Version 3.4: Better handles a non-existent HELPPATH variable. Rather than immediately using a default path, we look it up based on the path to the FDHELP program. Version 3.3: Internationalization LANG support by Abrahan Sanjuas Fontan. You can now SET LANG=xx to display help files in a preferred language. NOTE THAT THIS NOW CHANGES HOW 'HELP' WILL LOOK FOR HELP FILES. All your help files will now need to have an extension that indicates the language. This is not the same as language catalogs. Version 3.2: added, by Neons Version 3.1: added, contributed by Ilya Vasilyev Version 3: added international support using "Cats" library Version 2: re-write to be cleaner code Version 1: First version, released as part of the FreeDOS Utilities package in 1994.