rem EXAMPLE.BAS by William Yu rem Demonstrates just some of the supported features of BASEC DIM MyNAME AS STRING * 30 DIM Message AS STRING * 30 DIM CopyRIGHT AS STRING * 30 DIM PRODUCT AS STRING * 15 DIM Year AS INTEGER DIM N AS INTEGER DIM X AS INTEGER MyNAME = "William Yu" PRODUCT = "BASEC v0.20" CopyRIGHT = "Copyright " Message = "Isn't that cool?!" ' BEC can handle almost any complex equation N=10^3 '' Available operators (+-*/^=<>, MOD, AND, OR, XOR, NOT) X=N/5 + 20 Year=(2 * N) / ((4 - -2) + -2) + (N - 100) / X + N + (N - (N / 2)) - 6 'CLS ' This is a DOS function ? PRODUCT;" ";CopyRIGHT;Year;" by ";MyName ? PRINT "My name is "; MyNAME:PRINT:PRINT "Count to ten: "; FOR N=1 TO 10 ?N; NEXT N ?" how's that?":?"Notice that (unlike QB), the numbers aren't split up" PRINT PRINT "PRINT Message: "; Message PRINT "Negative number: "; ---(10 MOD 6);" and "; PRINT -10 + -val(mid$("100 or 200 or 300",8,3)) PRINT PRINT "Other numbers "; 1456789; " and, "; 987654321; PRINT 123456789 PRINT PRINT "Hi, "; MyNAME; " how are you today?" PRINT PRINT "Let's try some bitwise operators..." N = NOT 16 X = 32 OR 16 OR 8 OR 4 OR 2 OR 1 PRINT "NOT 16 = "; N; ", 32 OR 16 OR 8 OR 4 OR 2 OR 1 = "; X N = 16 AND 16 X = 16 XOR 16 PRINT "16 AND 16 = "; N; ", 16 XOR 16 = "; X; ? N = 16 XOR 255 PRINT "This is what N equals "; N X = N = 2 PRINT "Does N equal 2? "; X X = N > 2 PRINT "Is N greater than 2? "; X IF N <> (255 XOR 16) THEN PRINT "N is "; N ?255 xor 16 ELSEIF N = 39 THEN ?"oh no" ELSEIF N = 39 THEN ?"oh no" ELSEIF N <> 239 THEN ?"oh yes" if X > 2 then ?"X is greater than 2" elseif X < 2 then ?"not!" ?X end if else ?"howdy!" END IF PRINT "At the end\n\n\n" END