# This file looks empty when viewed with "vi".  In fact, there is one
# '~', so users with no AppleVolumes file in their home directory get
# their home directory by default.
# volume format:
# :DEFAULT: [all of the default options except volume name]
# path [name] [casefold:x] [codepage:y] [options:z,l,j] \
#   [allow:a,@b,c,d] [deny:a,@b,c,d] [dbpath:path] [password:p] \
#   [rwlist:a,@b,c,d] [rolist:a,@b,c,d] [limitsize:value in bytes]
# name:      volume name. it can't include the ':' character and is limited
#            to 27 characters in length.
# variable substitutions:
# you can use variables for both <path> and <name> now. here are the
# rules:
#     1) if you specify an unknown variable, it will not get converted. 
#     2) if you specify a known variable, but that variable doesn't have
#        a value, it will get ignored.
# the variables:
# $c   -> client's ip or appletalk address
# $f   -> full name (whatever's in the gecos field)
# $g   -> group
# $h   -> hostname 
# $s   -> server name (can be the hostname)
# $u   -> username (if guest, it's whatever user guest is running as)
# $v   -> volume name (either ADEID_NAME or basename of path)
# $z   -> zone (may not exist)
# $$   -> $
# casefold options [syntax: casefold:option]:
# tolower    -> lowercases names in both directions
# toupper    -> uppercases names in both directions
# xlatelower -> client sees lowercase, server sees uppercase
# xlateupper -> client sees uppercase, server sees lowercase
# allow/deny/rwlist/rolist format [syntax: allow:user1,@group]:
# user1,@group,user2  -> allows/denies access from listed users/groups
#                        rwlist/rolist control whether or not the
#			 volume is ro for those users.
# miscellaneous options [syntax: options:option1,option2]:
# prodos              -> make compatible with appleII clients.
# crlf                -> enable crlf translation for TEXT files.
# noadouble           -> don't create .AppleDouble unless a resource
#                        fork needs to be created.
# ro                  -> mount the volume as read-only.
# mswindows           -> enforce filename restrictions imposed by MS
#                        Windows. this will also invoke a default
#			 codepage (iso8859-1) if one isn't already 
#			 specified.
# nohex		      -> don't do :hex translations for anything
#		         except dot files. specify usedots as well if
#			 you want that turned off. note: this option
#			 makes the / character illegal.
# usedots             -> don't do :hex translation for dot files. note: when 
#                        this option gets set, certain file names
#			 become illegal. these are .Parent and
#			 anything that starts with .Apple. also, dot
#			 files created on the unix side are marked
#			 invisible. 
# limitsize           -> limit disk size reporting to 2GB. this is
#                        here for older macintoshes using newer
#                        appleshare clients. yucko.
# codepage:filename   -> load filename from nls directory.
# dbpath:path         -> store the database stuff in the following path.
# password:password   -> set a volume password (8 characters max)
# nofileid            -> don't advertise createfileid, resolveid, deleteid 
#                        calls
# The "~" below indicates that Home directories are visible by default.
# If you do not wish to have people accessing their Home directories,
# please put a pound sign in front of the tilde or delete it.