/* * Mesa 3-D graphics library * * Copyright (C) 2010 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "context.h" #include "imports.h" #include "mtypes.h" #include "version.h" #include "git_sha1.h" /** * Scans 'string' to see if it ends with 'ending'. */ static bool check_for_ending(const char *string, const char *ending) { const size_t len1 = strlen(string); const size_t len2 = strlen(ending); if (len2 > len1) return false; return strcmp(string + (len1 - len2), ending) == 0; } /** * Returns the gl override data * * version > 0 indicates there is an override requested * fwd_context is only valid if version > 0 */ static void get_gl_override(gl_api api, int *version, bool *fwd_context, bool *compat_context) { const char *env_var = (api == API_OPENGL_CORE || api == API_OPENGL_COMPAT) ? "MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE" : "MESA_GLES_VERSION_OVERRIDE"; const char *version_str; int major, minor, n; static struct override_info { int version; bool fc_suffix; bool compat_suffix; } override[] = { [API_OPENGL_COMPAT] = { -1, false, false}, [API_OPENGLES] = { -1, false, false}, [API_OPENGLES2] = { -1, false, false}, [API_OPENGL_CORE] = { -1, false, false}, }; STATIC_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(override) == API_OPENGL_LAST + 1); if (api == API_OPENGLES) goto exit; if (override[api].version < 0) { override[api].version = 0; version_str = getenv(env_var); if (version_str) { override[api].fc_suffix = check_for_ending(version_str, "FC"); override[api].compat_suffix = check_for_ending(version_str, "COMPAT"); n = sscanf(version_str, "%u.%u", &major, &minor); if (n != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid value for %s: %s\n", env_var, version_str); override[api].version = 0; } else { override[api].version = major * 10 + minor; /* There is no such thing as compatibility or forward-compatible for * OpenGL ES 2.0 or 3.x APIs. */ if ((override[api].version < 30 && override[api].fc_suffix) || (api == API_OPENGLES2 && (override[api].fc_suffix || override[api].compat_suffix))) { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid value for %s: %s\n", env_var, version_str); } } } } exit: *version = override[api].version; *fwd_context = override[api].fc_suffix; *compat_context = override[api].compat_suffix; } /** * Builds the Mesa version string. */ static void create_version_string(struct gl_context *ctx, const char *prefix) { static const int max = 100; ctx->VersionString = malloc(max); if (ctx->VersionString) { _mesa_snprintf(ctx->VersionString, max, "%s%u.%u%s Mesa " PACKAGE_VERSION MESA_GIT_SHA1, prefix, ctx->Version / 10, ctx->Version % 10, (ctx->API == API_OPENGL_CORE) ? " (Core Profile)" : (ctx->API == API_OPENGL_COMPAT && ctx->Version >= 32) ? " (Compatibility Profile)" : "" ); } } /** * Override the context's version and/or API type if the environment variables * MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE or MESA_GLES_VERSION_OVERRIDE are set. * * Example uses of MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE: * * 2.1: select a compatibility (non-Core) profile with GL version 2.1. * 3.0: select a compatibility (non-Core) profile with GL version 3.0. * 3.0FC: select a Core+Forward Compatible profile with GL version 3.0. * 3.1: select GL version 3.1 with GL_ARB_compatibility enabled per the driver default. * 3.1FC: select GL version 3.1 with forward compatibility and GL_ARB_compatibility disabled. * 3.1COMPAT: select GL version 3.1 with GL_ARB_compatibility enabled. * X.Y: override GL version to X.Y without changing the profile. * X.YFC: select a Core+Forward Compatible profile with GL version X.Y. * X.YCOMPAT: select a Compatibility profile with GL version X.Y. * * Example uses of MESA_GLES_VERSION_OVERRIDE: * * 2.0: select GLES version 2.0. * 3.0: select GLES version 3.0. * 3.1: select GLES version 3.1. */ bool _mesa_override_gl_version_contextless(struct gl_constants *consts, gl_api *apiOut, GLuint *versionOut) { int version; bool fwd_context, compat_context; get_gl_override(*apiOut, &version, &fwd_context, &compat_context); if (version > 0) { *versionOut = version; /* Modify the API and context flags as needed. */ if (*apiOut == API_OPENGL_CORE || *apiOut == API_OPENGL_COMPAT) { if (version >= 30 && fwd_context) { *apiOut = API_OPENGL_CORE; consts->ContextFlags |= GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT; } else if (compat_context) { *apiOut = API_OPENGL_COMPAT; } } return true; } return false; } void _mesa_override_gl_version(struct gl_context *ctx) { if (_mesa_override_gl_version_contextless(&ctx->Const, &ctx->API, &ctx->Version)) { /* We need to include API in version string for OpenGL ES, otherwise * application can not detect GLES via glGetString(GL_VERSION) query. * * From OpenGL ES 3.2 spec, Page 436: * * "The VERSION string is laid out as follows: * * OpenGL ES N.M vendor-specific information" * * From OpenGL 4.5 spec, Page 538: * * "The VERSION and SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION strings are laid out as * follows: * * <version number><space><vendor-specific information>" */ create_version_string(ctx, _mesa_is_gles(ctx) ? "OpenGL ES " : ""); ctx->Extensions.Version = ctx->Version; } } /** * Override the context's GLSL version if the environment variable * MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE is set. Valid values for * MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE are integers, such as "130". */ void _mesa_override_glsl_version(struct gl_constants *consts) { const char *env_var = "MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE"; const char *version; int n; version = getenv(env_var); if (!version) { return; } n = sscanf(version, "%u", &consts->GLSLVersion); if (n != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid value for %s: %s\n", env_var, version); return; } } /** * Examine enabled GL extensions to determine GL version. */ static GLuint compute_version(const struct gl_extensions *extensions, const struct gl_constants *consts, gl_api api) { GLuint major, minor, version; const bool ver_1_3 = (extensions->ARB_texture_border_clamp && extensions->ARB_texture_cube_map && extensions->ARB_texture_env_combine && extensions->ARB_texture_env_dot3); const bool ver_1_4 = (ver_1_3 && extensions->ARB_depth_texture && extensions->ARB_shadow && extensions->ARB_texture_env_crossbar && extensions->EXT_blend_color && extensions->EXT_blend_func_separate && extensions->EXT_blend_minmax && extensions->EXT_point_parameters); const bool ver_1_5 = (ver_1_4 && extensions->ARB_occlusion_query); const bool ver_2_0 = (ver_1_5 && extensions->ARB_point_sprite && extensions->ARB_vertex_shader && extensions->ARB_fragment_shader && extensions->ARB_texture_non_power_of_two && extensions->EXT_blend_equation_separate && extensions->EXT_stencil_two_side); const bool ver_2_1 = (ver_2_0 && extensions->EXT_pixel_buffer_object && extensions->EXT_texture_sRGB); const bool ver_3_0 = (ver_2_1 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 130 && (consts->MaxSamples >= 4 || consts->FakeSWMSAA) && (api == API_OPENGL_CORE || extensions->ARB_color_buffer_float) && extensions->ARB_depth_buffer_float && extensions->ARB_half_float_vertex && extensions->ARB_map_buffer_range && extensions->ARB_shader_texture_lod && extensions->ARB_texture_float && extensions->ARB_texture_rg && extensions->ARB_texture_compression_rgtc && extensions->EXT_draw_buffers2 && extensions->ARB_framebuffer_object && extensions->EXT_framebuffer_sRGB && extensions->EXT_packed_float && extensions->EXT_texture_array && extensions->EXT_texture_shared_exponent && extensions->EXT_transform_feedback && extensions->NV_conditional_render); const bool ver_3_1 = (ver_3_0 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 140 && extensions->ARB_draw_instanced && extensions->ARB_texture_buffer_object && extensions->ARB_uniform_buffer_object && extensions->EXT_texture_snorm && extensions->NV_primitive_restart && extensions->NV_texture_rectangle && consts->Program[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX].MaxTextureImageUnits >= 16); const bool ver_3_2 = (ver_3_1 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 150 && extensions->ARB_depth_clamp && extensions->ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex && extensions->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions && extensions->EXT_provoking_vertex && extensions->ARB_seamless_cube_map && extensions->ARB_sync && extensions->ARB_texture_multisample && extensions->EXT_vertex_array_bgra); const bool ver_3_3 = (ver_3_2 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 330 && extensions->ARB_blend_func_extended && extensions->ARB_explicit_attrib_location && extensions->ARB_instanced_arrays && extensions->ARB_occlusion_query2 && extensions->ARB_shader_bit_encoding && extensions->ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui && extensions->ARB_timer_query && extensions->ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev && extensions->EXT_texture_swizzle); /* ARB_sampler_objects is always enabled in mesa */ const bool ver_4_0 = (ver_3_3 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 400 && extensions->ARB_draw_buffers_blend && extensions->ARB_draw_indirect && extensions->ARB_gpu_shader5 && extensions->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 && extensions->ARB_sample_shading && extensions->ARB_tessellation_shader && extensions->ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 && extensions->ARB_texture_cube_map_array && extensions->ARB_texture_query_lod && extensions->ARB_transform_feedback2 && extensions->ARB_transform_feedback3); const bool ver_4_1 = (ver_4_0 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 410 && extensions->ARB_ES2_compatibility && extensions->ARB_shader_precision && extensions->ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit && extensions->ARB_viewport_array); const bool ver_4_2 = (ver_4_1 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 420 && extensions->ARB_base_instance && extensions->ARB_conservative_depth && extensions->ARB_internalformat_query && extensions->ARB_shader_atomic_counters && extensions->ARB_shader_image_load_store && extensions->ARB_shading_language_420pack && extensions->ARB_shading_language_packing && extensions->ARB_texture_compression_bptc && extensions->ARB_transform_feedback_instanced); const bool ver_4_3 = (ver_4_2 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 430 && consts->Program[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX].MaxUniformBlocks >= 14 && extensions->ARB_ES3_compatibility && extensions->ARB_arrays_of_arrays && extensions->ARB_compute_shader && extensions->ARB_copy_image && extensions->ARB_explicit_uniform_location && extensions->ARB_fragment_layer_viewport && extensions->ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments && extensions->ARB_internalformat_query2 && extensions->ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior && extensions->ARB_shader_image_size && extensions->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object && extensions->ARB_stencil_texturing && extensions->ARB_texture_buffer_range && extensions->ARB_texture_query_levels && extensions->ARB_texture_view); const bool ver_4_4 = (ver_4_3 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 440 && consts->MaxVertexAttribStride >= 2048 && extensions->ARB_buffer_storage && extensions->ARB_clear_texture && extensions->ARB_enhanced_layouts && extensions->ARB_query_buffer_object && extensions->ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge && extensions->ARB_texture_stencil8 && extensions->ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev); const bool ver_4_5 = (ver_4_4 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 450 && extensions->ARB_ES3_1_compatibility && extensions->ARB_clip_control && extensions->ARB_conditional_render_inverted && extensions->ARB_cull_distance && extensions->ARB_derivative_control && extensions->ARB_shader_texture_image_samples && extensions->NV_texture_barrier); const bool ver_4_6 = (ver_4_5 && consts->GLSLVersion >= 460 && /* extensions->ARB_gl_spirv */ 0 && /* extensions->ARB_spirv_extensions */ 0 && extensions->ARB_indirect_parameters && extensions->ARB_pipeline_statistics_query && extensions->ARB_polygon_offset_clamp && extensions->ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops && extensions->ARB_shader_draw_parameters && extensions->ARB_shader_group_vote && extensions->ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic && extensions->ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query); if (ver_4_6) { major = 4; minor = 6; } else if (ver_4_5) { major = 4; minor = 5; } else if (ver_4_4) { major = 4; minor = 4; } else if (ver_4_3) { major = 4; minor = 3; } else if (ver_4_2) { major = 4; minor = 2; } else if (ver_4_1) { major = 4; minor = 1; } else if (ver_4_0) { major = 4; minor = 0; } else if (ver_3_3) { major = 3; minor = 3; } else if (ver_3_2) { major = 3; minor = 2; } else if (ver_3_1) { major = 3; minor = 1; } else if (ver_3_0) { major = 3; minor = 0; } else if (ver_2_1) { major = 2; minor = 1; } else if (ver_2_0) { major = 2; minor = 0; } else if (ver_1_5) { major = 1; minor = 5; } else if (ver_1_4) { major = 1; minor = 4; } else if (ver_1_3) { major = 1; minor = 3; } else { major = 1; minor = 2; } version = major * 10 + minor; if (api == API_OPENGL_CORE && version < 31) return 0; return version; } static GLuint compute_version_es1(const struct gl_extensions *extensions) { /* OpenGL ES 1.0 is derived from OpenGL 1.3 */ const bool ver_1_0 = (extensions->ARB_texture_env_combine && extensions->ARB_texture_env_dot3); /* OpenGL ES 1.1 is derived from OpenGL 1.5 */ const bool ver_1_1 = (ver_1_0 && extensions->EXT_point_parameters); if (ver_1_1) { return 11; } else if (ver_1_0) { return 10; } else { return 0; } } static GLuint compute_version_es2(const struct gl_extensions *extensions, const struct gl_constants *consts) { /* OpenGL ES 2.0 is derived from OpenGL 2.0 */ const bool ver_2_0 = (extensions->ARB_texture_cube_map && extensions->EXT_blend_color && extensions->EXT_blend_func_separate && extensions->EXT_blend_minmax && extensions->ARB_vertex_shader && extensions->ARB_fragment_shader && extensions->ARB_texture_non_power_of_two && extensions->EXT_blend_equation_separate); /* FINISHME: This list isn't quite right. */ const bool ver_3_0 = (extensions->ARB_half_float_vertex && extensions->ARB_internalformat_query && extensions->ARB_map_buffer_range && extensions->ARB_shader_texture_lod && extensions->ARB_texture_float && extensions->ARB_texture_rg && extensions->ARB_depth_buffer_float && /* extensions->ARB_framebuffer_object && */ extensions->EXT_framebuffer_sRGB && extensions->EXT_packed_float && extensions->EXT_texture_array && extensions->EXT_texture_shared_exponent && extensions->EXT_transform_feedback && extensions->ARB_draw_instanced && extensions->ARB_uniform_buffer_object && extensions->EXT_texture_snorm && extensions->NV_primitive_restart && extensions->OES_depth_texture_cube_map); const bool es31_compute_shader = consts->MaxComputeWorkGroupInvocations >= 128; const bool ver_3_1 = (ver_3_0 && consts->MaxVertexAttribStride >= 2048 && extensions->ARB_arrays_of_arrays && es31_compute_shader && extensions->ARB_draw_indirect && extensions->ARB_explicit_uniform_location && extensions->ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments && extensions->ARB_shader_atomic_counters && extensions->ARB_shader_image_load_store && extensions->ARB_shader_image_size && extensions->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object && extensions->ARB_shading_language_packing && extensions->ARB_stencil_texturing && extensions->ARB_texture_multisample && extensions->ARB_texture_gather && extensions->MESA_shader_integer_functions && extensions->EXT_shader_integer_mix); const bool ver_3_2 = (ver_3_1 && extensions->EXT_draw_buffers2 && extensions->KHR_blend_equation_advanced && extensions->KHR_robustness && extensions->KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr && extensions->OES_copy_image && extensions->ARB_draw_buffers_blend && extensions->ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex && extensions->OES_geometry_shader && extensions->OES_primitive_bounding_box && extensions->OES_sample_variables && extensions->ARB_tessellation_shader && extensions->ARB_texture_border_clamp && extensions->OES_texture_buffer && extensions->OES_texture_cube_map_array && extensions->ARB_texture_stencil8); if (ver_3_2) { return 32; } else if (ver_3_1) { return 31; } else if (ver_3_0) { return 30; } else if (ver_2_0) { return 20; } else { return 0; } } GLuint _mesa_get_version(const struct gl_extensions *extensions, struct gl_constants *consts, gl_api api) { switch (api) { case API_OPENGL_COMPAT: /* Disable higher GLSL versions for legacy contexts. * This disallows creation of higher compatibility contexts. */ if (!consts->AllowHigherCompatVersion) { consts->GLSLVersion = consts->GLSLVersionCompat; } /* fall through */ case API_OPENGL_CORE: return compute_version(extensions, consts, api); case API_OPENGLES: return compute_version_es1(extensions); case API_OPENGLES2: return compute_version_es2(extensions, consts); } return 0; } /** * Set the context's Version and VersionString fields. * This should only be called once as part of context initialization * or to perform version check for GLX_ARB_create_context_profile. */ void _mesa_compute_version(struct gl_context *ctx) { if (ctx->Version) goto done; ctx->Version = _mesa_get_version(&ctx->Extensions, &ctx->Const, ctx->API); ctx->Extensions.Version = ctx->Version; /* Make sure that the GLSL version lines up with the GL version. In some * cases it can be too high, e.g. if an extension is missing. */ if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx)) { switch (ctx->Version) { case 20: /* fall-through, GLSL 1.20 is the minimum we support */ case 21: ctx->Const.GLSLVersion = 120; break; case 30: ctx->Const.GLSLVersion = 130; break; case 31: ctx->Const.GLSLVersion = 140; break; case 32: ctx->Const.GLSLVersion = 150; break; default: if (ctx->Version >= 33) ctx->Const.GLSLVersion = ctx->Version * 10; break; } } switch (ctx->API) { case API_OPENGL_COMPAT: case API_OPENGL_CORE: create_version_string(ctx, ""); break; case API_OPENGLES: if (!ctx->Version) { _mesa_problem(ctx, "Incomplete OpenGL ES 1.0 support."); return; } create_version_string(ctx, "OpenGL ES-CM "); break; case API_OPENGLES2: if (!ctx->Version) { _mesa_problem(ctx, "Incomplete OpenGL ES 2.0 support."); return; } create_version_string(ctx, "OpenGL ES "); break; } done: if (ctx->API == API_OPENGL_COMPAT && ctx->Version >= 31) ctx->Extensions.ARB_compatibility = GL_TRUE; } void _mesa_get_driver_uuid(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint *uuid) { ctx->Driver.GetDriverUuid(ctx, (char*) uuid); } void _mesa_get_device_uuid(struct gl_context *ctx, GLint *uuid) { ctx->Driver.GetDeviceUuid(ctx, (char*) uuid); } /** * Get the i-th GLSL version string. If index=0, return the most recent * supported version. * \param ctx context to query * \param index which version string to return, or -1 if none * \param versionOut returns the vesrion string * \return total number of shading language versions. */ int _mesa_get_shading_language_version(const struct gl_context *ctx, int index, char **versionOut) { int n = 0; #define GLSL_VERSION(S) \ if (n++ == index) \ *versionOut = S /* GLSL core */ if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 460) GLSL_VERSION("460"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 450) GLSL_VERSION("450"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 440) GLSL_VERSION("440"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 430) GLSL_VERSION("430"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 420) GLSL_VERSION("420"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 410) GLSL_VERSION("410"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 400) GLSL_VERSION("400"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 330) GLSL_VERSION("330"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 150) GLSL_VERSION("150"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 140) GLSL_VERSION("140"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 130) GLSL_VERSION("130"); if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 120) GLSL_VERSION("120"); /* The GL spec says to return the empty string for GLSL 1.10 */ if (ctx->Const.GLSLVersion >= 110) GLSL_VERSION(""); /* GLSL es */ if ((ctx->API == API_OPENGLES2 && ctx->Version >= 32) || ctx->Extensions.ARB_ES3_2_compatibility) GLSL_VERSION("320 es"); if (_mesa_is_gles31(ctx) || ctx->Extensions.ARB_ES3_1_compatibility) GLSL_VERSION("310 es"); if (_mesa_is_gles3(ctx) || ctx->Extensions.ARB_ES3_compatibility) GLSL_VERSION("300 es"); if (ctx->API == API_OPENGLES2 || ctx->Extensions.ARB_ES2_compatibility) GLSL_VERSION("100"); #undef GLSL_VERSION return n; }