/* * Copyright 2017 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "glspirv.h" #include "errors.h" #include "shaderobj.h" #include "mtypes.h" #include "compiler/nir/nir.h" #include "compiler/spirv/nir_spirv.h" #include "program/program.h" #include "util/u_atomic.h" void _mesa_spirv_module_reference(struct gl_spirv_module **dest, struct gl_spirv_module *src) { struct gl_spirv_module *old = *dest; if (old && p_atomic_dec_zero(&old->RefCount)) free(old); *dest = src; if (src) p_atomic_inc(&src->RefCount); } void _mesa_shader_spirv_data_reference(struct gl_shader_spirv_data **dest, struct gl_shader_spirv_data *src) { struct gl_shader_spirv_data *old = *dest; if (old && p_atomic_dec_zero(&old->RefCount)) { _mesa_spirv_module_reference(&(*dest)->SpirVModule, NULL); ralloc_free(old); } *dest = src; if (src) p_atomic_inc(&src->RefCount); } void _mesa_spirv_shader_binary(struct gl_context *ctx, unsigned n, struct gl_shader **shaders, const void* binary, size_t length) { struct gl_spirv_module *module; struct gl_shader_spirv_data *spirv_data; module = malloc(sizeof(*module) + length); if (!module) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glShaderBinary"); return; } p_atomic_set(&module->RefCount, 0); module->Length = length; memcpy(&module->Binary[0], binary, length); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { struct gl_shader *sh = shaders[i]; spirv_data = rzalloc(NULL, struct gl_shader_spirv_data); _mesa_shader_spirv_data_reference(&sh->spirv_data, spirv_data); _mesa_spirv_module_reference(&spirv_data->SpirVModule, module); sh->CompileStatus = COMPILE_FAILURE; free((void *)sh->Source); sh->Source = NULL; free((void *)sh->FallbackSource); sh->FallbackSource = NULL; ralloc_free(sh->ir); sh->ir = NULL; ralloc_free(sh->symbols); sh->symbols = NULL; } } /** * This is the equivalent to compiler/glsl/linker.cpp::link_shaders() * but for SPIR-V programs. * * This method just creates the gl_linked_shader structs with a reference to * the SPIR-V data collected during previous steps. * * The real linking happens later in the driver-specifc call LinkShader(). * This is so backends can implement different linking strategies for * SPIR-V programs. */ void _mesa_spirv_link_shaders(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *prog) { prog->data->LinkStatus = LINKING_SUCCESS; prog->data->Validated = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < prog->NumShaders; i++) { struct gl_shader *shader = prog->Shaders[i]; gl_shader_stage shader_type = shader->Stage; /* We only support one shader per stage. The gl_spirv spec doesn't seem * to prevent this, but the way the API is designed, requiring all shaders * to be specialized with an entry point, makes supporting this quite * undefined. * * TODO: Turn this into a proper error once the spec bug * <https://gitlab.khronos.org/opengl/API/issues/58> is resolved. */ if (prog->_LinkedShaders[shader_type]) { ralloc_strcat(&prog->data->InfoLog, "\nError trying to link more than one SPIR-V shader " "per stage.\n"); prog->data->LinkStatus = LINKING_FAILURE; return; } assert(shader->spirv_data); struct gl_linked_shader *linked = rzalloc(NULL, struct gl_linked_shader); linked->Stage = shader_type; /* Create program and attach it to the linked shader */ struct gl_program *gl_prog = ctx->Driver.NewProgram(ctx, shader_type, prog->Name, false); if (!gl_prog) { prog->data->LinkStatus = LINKING_FAILURE; _mesa_delete_linked_shader(ctx, linked); return; } _mesa_reference_shader_program_data(ctx, &gl_prog->sh.data, prog->data); /* Don't use _mesa_reference_program() just take ownership */ linked->Program = gl_prog; /* Reference the SPIR-V data from shader to the linked shader */ _mesa_shader_spirv_data_reference(&linked->spirv_data, shader->spirv_data); prog->_LinkedShaders[shader_type] = linked; prog->data->linked_stages |= 1 << shader_type; } int last_vert_stage = util_last_bit(prog->data->linked_stages & ((1 << (MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY + 1)) - 1)); if (last_vert_stage) prog->last_vert_prog = prog->_LinkedShaders[last_vert_stage - 1]->Program; /* Some shaders have to be linked with some other shaders present. */ if (!prog->SeparateShader) { static const struct { gl_shader_stage a, b; } stage_pairs[] = { { MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX }, { MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX }, { MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL, MESA_SHADER_VERTEX }, { MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL, MESA_SHADER_TESS_EVAL }, }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(stage_pairs); i++) { gl_shader_stage a = stage_pairs[i].a; gl_shader_stage b = stage_pairs[i].b; if ((prog->data->linked_stages & ((1 << a) | (1 << b))) == (1 << a)) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&prog->data->InfoLog, "%s shader must be linked with %s shader\n", _mesa_shader_stage_to_string(a), _mesa_shader_stage_to_string(b)); prog->data->LinkStatus = LINKING_FAILURE; return; } } } /* Compute shaders have additional restrictions. */ if ((prog->data->linked_stages & (1 << MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE)) && (prog->data->linked_stages & ~(1 << MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE))) { ralloc_asprintf_append(&prog->data->InfoLog, "Compute shaders may not be linked with any other " "type of shader\n"); prog->data->LinkStatus = LINKING_FAILURE; return; } } nir_shader * _mesa_spirv_to_nir(struct gl_context *ctx, const struct gl_shader_program *prog, gl_shader_stage stage, const nir_shader_compiler_options *options) { struct gl_linked_shader *linked_shader = prog->_LinkedShaders[stage]; assert (linked_shader); struct gl_shader_spirv_data *spirv_data = linked_shader->spirv_data; assert(spirv_data); struct gl_spirv_module *spirv_module = spirv_data->SpirVModule; assert (spirv_module != NULL); const char *entry_point_name = spirv_data->SpirVEntryPoint; assert(entry_point_name); struct nir_spirv_specialization *spec_entries = calloc(sizeof(*spec_entries), spirv_data->NumSpecializationConstants); for (unsigned i = 0; i < spirv_data->NumSpecializationConstants; ++i) { spec_entries[i].id = spirv_data->SpecializationConstantsIndex[i]; spec_entries[i].value.u32 = spirv_data->SpecializationConstantsValue[i]; spec_entries[i].defined_on_module = false; } const struct spirv_to_nir_options spirv_options = { .environment = NIR_SPIRV_OPENGL, .use_deref_buffer_array_length = true, .caps = ctx->Const.SpirVCapabilities, .ubo_addr_format = nir_address_format_32bit_index_offset, .ssbo_addr_format = nir_address_format_32bit_index_offset, /* TODO: Consider changing this to an address format that has the NULL * pointer equals to 0. That might be a better format to play nice * with certain code / code generators. */ .shared_addr_format = nir_address_format_32bit_offset, }; nir_shader *nir = spirv_to_nir((const uint32_t *) &spirv_module->Binary[0], spirv_module->Length / 4, spec_entries, spirv_data->NumSpecializationConstants, stage, entry_point_name, &spirv_options, options); free(spec_entries); assert(nir); assert(nir->info.stage == stage); nir->options = options; nir->info.name = ralloc_asprintf(nir, "SPIRV:%s:%d", _mesa_shader_stage_to_abbrev(nir->info.stage), prog->Name); nir_validate_shader(nir, "after spirv_to_nir"); nir->info.separate_shader = linked_shader->Program->info.separate_shader; /* Convert some sysvals to input varyings. */ const struct nir_lower_sysvals_to_varyings_options sysvals_to_varyings = { .frag_coord = !ctx->Const.GLSLFragCoordIsSysVal, .point_coord = !ctx->Const.GLSLPointCoordIsSysVal, .front_face = !ctx->Const.GLSLFrontFacingIsSysVal, }; NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_sysvals_to_varyings, &sysvals_to_varyings); /* We have to lower away local constant initializers right before we * inline functions. That way they get properly initialized at the top * of the function and not at the top of its caller. */ NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_variable_initializers, nir_var_function_temp); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_returns); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_inline_functions); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_copy_prop); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_opt_deref); /* Pick off the single entrypoint that we want */ foreach_list_typed_safe(nir_function, func, node, &nir->functions) { if (!func->is_entrypoint) exec_node_remove(&func->node); } assert(exec_list_length(&nir->functions) == 1); /* Now that we've deleted all but the main function, we can go ahead and * lower the rest of the constant initializers. We do this here so that * nir_remove_dead_variables and split_per_member_structs below see the * corresponding stores. */ NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_variable_initializers, ~0); /* Split member structs. We do this before lower_io_to_temporaries so that * it doesn't lower system values to temporaries by accident. */ NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_split_var_copies); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_split_per_member_structs); if (nir->info.stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX) nir_remap_dual_slot_attributes(nir, &linked_shader->Program->DualSlotInputs); NIR_PASS_V(nir, nir_lower_frexp); return nir; } void GLAPIENTRY _mesa_SpecializeShaderARB(GLuint shader, const GLchar *pEntryPoint, GLuint numSpecializationConstants, const GLuint *pConstantIndex, const GLuint *pConstantValue) { GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx); struct gl_shader *sh; bool has_entry_point; struct nir_spirv_specialization *spec_entries = NULL; if (!ctx->Extensions.ARB_gl_spirv) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glSpecializeShaderARB"); return; } sh = _mesa_lookup_shader_err(ctx, shader, "glSpecializeShaderARB"); if (!sh) return; if (!sh->spirv_data) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glSpecializeShaderARB(not SPIR-V)"); return; } if (sh->CompileStatus) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glSpecializeShaderARB(already specialized)"); return; } struct gl_shader_spirv_data *spirv_data = sh->spirv_data; /* From the GL_ARB_gl_spirv spec: * * "The OpenGL API expects the SPIR-V module to have already been * validated, and can return an error if it discovers anything invalid * in the module. An invalid SPIR-V module is allowed to result in * undefined behavior." * * However, the following errors still need to be detected (from the same * spec): * * "INVALID_VALUE is generated if <pEntryPoint> does not name a valid * entry point for <shader>. * * INVALID_VALUE is generated if any element of <pConstantIndex> * refers to a specialization constant that does not exist in the * shader module contained in <shader>." * * We cannot flag those errors a-priori because detecting them requires * parsing the module. However, flagging them during specialization is okay, * since it makes no difference in terms of application-visible state. */ spec_entries = calloc(sizeof(*spec_entries), numSpecializationConstants); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSpecializationConstants; ++i) { spec_entries[i].id = pConstantIndex[i]; spec_entries[i].value.u32 = pConstantValue[i]; spec_entries[i].defined_on_module = false; } has_entry_point = gl_spirv_validation((uint32_t *)&spirv_data->SpirVModule->Binary[0], spirv_data->SpirVModule->Length / 4, spec_entries, numSpecializationConstants, sh->Stage, pEntryPoint); /* See previous spec comment */ if (!has_entry_point) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glSpecializeShaderARB(\"%s\" is not a valid entry point" " for shader)", pEntryPoint); goto end; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSpecializationConstants; ++i) { if (spec_entries[i].defined_on_module == false) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glSpecializeShaderARB(constant \"%i\" does not exist " "in shader)", spec_entries[i].id); goto end; } } spirv_data->SpirVEntryPoint = ralloc_strdup(spirv_data, pEntryPoint); /* Note that we didn't make a real compilation of the module (spirv_to_nir), * but just checked some error conditions. Real "compilation" will be done * later, upon linking. */ sh->CompileStatus = COMPILE_SUCCESS; spirv_data->NumSpecializationConstants = numSpecializationConstants; spirv_data->SpecializationConstantsIndex = rzalloc_array_size(spirv_data, sizeof(GLuint), numSpecializationConstants); spirv_data->SpecializationConstantsValue = rzalloc_array_size(spirv_data, sizeof(GLuint), numSpecializationConstants); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSpecializationConstants; ++i) { spirv_data->SpecializationConstantsIndex[i] = pConstantIndex[i]; spirv_data->SpecializationConstantsValue[i] = pConstantValue[i]; } end: free(spec_entries); }