/* * Copyright 2014-2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "ac_rtld.h" #include "ac_binary.h" #include "ac_gpu_info.h" #include "util/compiler.h" #include "util/u_dynarray.h" #include "util/u_math.h" #include <gelf.h> #include <libelf.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifndef EM_AMDGPU // Old distributions may not have this enum constant #define EM_AMDGPU 224 #endif #ifndef STT_AMDGPU_LDS #define STT_AMDGPU_LDS 13 // this is deprecated -- remove #endif #ifndef SHN_AMDGPU_LDS #define SHN_AMDGPU_LDS 0xff00 #endif #ifndef R_AMDGPU_NONE #define R_AMDGPU_NONE 0 #define R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO 1 #define R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI 2 #define R_AMDGPU_ABS64 3 #define R_AMDGPU_REL32 4 #define R_AMDGPU_REL64 5 #define R_AMDGPU_ABS32 6 #define R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL 7 #define R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_LO 8 #define R_AMDGPU_GOTPCREL32_HI 9 #define R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO 10 #define R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI 11 #define R_AMDGPU_RELATIVE64 13 #endif /* For the UMR disassembler. */ #define DEBUGGER_END_OF_CODE_MARKER 0xbf9f0000 /* invalid instruction */ #define DEBUGGER_NUM_MARKERS 5 struct ac_rtld_section { bool is_rx : 1; bool is_pasted_text : 1; uint64_t offset; const char *name; }; struct ac_rtld_part { Elf *elf; struct ac_rtld_section *sections; unsigned num_sections; }; static void report_errorvf(const char *fmt, va_list va) { fprintf(stderr, "ac_rtld error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } static void report_errorf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); static void report_errorf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); report_errorvf(fmt, va); va_end(va); } static void report_elf_errorf(const char *fmt, ...) PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); static void report_elf_errorf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); report_errorvf(fmt, va); va_end(va); fprintf(stderr, "ELF error: %s\n", elf_errmsg(elf_errno())); } /** * Find a symbol in a dynarray of struct ac_rtld_symbol by \p name and shader * \p part_idx. */ static const struct ac_rtld_symbol *find_symbol(const struct util_dynarray *symbols, const char *name, unsigned part_idx) { util_dynarray_foreach (symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol, symbol) { if ((symbol->part_idx == ~0u || symbol->part_idx == part_idx) && !strcmp(name, symbol->name)) return symbol; } return 0; } static int compare_symbol_by_align(const void *lhsp, const void *rhsp) { const struct ac_rtld_symbol *lhs = lhsp; const struct ac_rtld_symbol *rhs = rhsp; if (rhs->align > lhs->align) return 1; if (rhs->align < lhs->align) return -1; return 0; } /** * Sort the given symbol list by decreasing alignment and assign offsets. */ static bool layout_symbols(struct ac_rtld_symbol *symbols, unsigned num_symbols, uint64_t *ptotal_size) { qsort(symbols, num_symbols, sizeof(*symbols), compare_symbol_by_align); uint64_t total_size = *ptotal_size; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i) { struct ac_rtld_symbol *s = &symbols[i]; assert(util_is_power_of_two_nonzero(s->align)); total_size = align64(total_size, s->align); s->offset = total_size; if (total_size + s->size < total_size) { report_errorf("%s: size overflow", __FUNCTION__); return false; } total_size += s->size; } *ptotal_size = total_size; return true; } /** * Read LDS symbols from the given \p section of the ELF of \p part and append * them to the LDS symbols list. * * Shared LDS symbols are filtered out. */ static bool read_private_lds_symbols(struct ac_rtld_binary *binary, unsigned part_idx, Elf_Scn *section, uint32_t *lds_end_align) { #define report_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_errorf(#cond); \ return false; \ } \ } while (false) #define report_elf_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_elf_errorf(#cond); \ return false; \ } \ } while (false) struct ac_rtld_part *part = &binary->parts[part_idx]; Elf64_Shdr *shdr = elf64_getshdr(section); uint32_t strtabidx = shdr->sh_link; Elf_Data *symbols_data = elf_getdata(section, NULL); report_elf_if(!symbols_data); const Elf64_Sym *symbol = symbols_data->d_buf; size_t num_symbols = symbols_data->d_size / sizeof(Elf64_Sym); for (size_t j = 0; j < num_symbols; ++j, ++symbol) { struct ac_rtld_symbol s = {0}; if (ELF64_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info) == STT_AMDGPU_LDS) { /* old-style LDS symbols from initial prototype -- remove eventually */ s.align = MIN2(1u << (symbol->st_other >> 3), 1u << 16); } else if (symbol->st_shndx == SHN_AMDGPU_LDS) { s.align = MIN2(symbol->st_value, 1u << 16); report_if(!util_is_power_of_two_nonzero(s.align)); } else continue; report_if(symbol->st_size > 1u << 29); s.name = elf_strptr(part->elf, strtabidx, symbol->st_name); s.size = symbol->st_size; s.part_idx = part_idx; if (!strcmp(s.name, "__lds_end")) { report_elf_if(s.size != 0); *lds_end_align = MAX2(*lds_end_align, s.align); continue; } const struct ac_rtld_symbol *shared = find_symbol(&binary->lds_symbols, s.name, part_idx); if (shared) { report_elf_if(s.align > shared->align); report_elf_if(s.size > shared->size); continue; } util_dynarray_append(&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol, s); } return true; #undef report_if #undef report_elf_if } /** * Open a binary consisting of one or more shader parts. * * \param binary the uninitialized struct * \param i binary opening parameters */ bool ac_rtld_open(struct ac_rtld_binary *binary, struct ac_rtld_open_info i) { /* One of the libelf implementations * (http://www.mr511.de/software/english.htm) requires calling * elf_version() before elf_memory(). */ elf_version(EV_CURRENT); memset(binary, 0, sizeof(*binary)); memcpy(&binary->options, &i.options, sizeof(binary->options)); binary->wave_size = i.wave_size; binary->num_parts = i.num_parts; binary->parts = calloc(sizeof(*binary->parts), i.num_parts); if (!binary->parts) return false; uint64_t pasted_text_size = 0; uint64_t rx_align = 1; uint64_t rx_size = 0; uint64_t exec_size = 0; #define report_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_errorf(#cond); \ goto fail; \ } \ } while (false) #define report_elf_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_elf_errorf(#cond); \ goto fail; \ } \ } while (false) /* Copy and layout shared LDS symbols. */ if (i.num_shared_lds_symbols) { if (!util_dynarray_resize(&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol, i.num_shared_lds_symbols)) goto fail; memcpy(binary->lds_symbols.data, i.shared_lds_symbols, binary->lds_symbols.size); } util_dynarray_foreach (&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol, symbol) symbol->part_idx = ~0u; unsigned max_lds_size = 64 * 1024; if (i.info->chip_class == GFX6 || (i.shader_type != MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE && i.shader_type != MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)) max_lds_size = 32 * 1024; uint64_t shared_lds_size = 0; if (!layout_symbols(binary->lds_symbols.data, i.num_shared_lds_symbols, &shared_lds_size)) goto fail; if (shared_lds_size > max_lds_size) { fprintf(stderr, "ac_rtld error(1): too much LDS (used = %u, max = %u)\n", (unsigned)shared_lds_size, max_lds_size); goto fail; } binary->lds_size = shared_lds_size; /* First pass over all parts: open ELFs, pre-determine the placement of * sections in the memory image, and collect and layout private LDS symbols. */ uint32_t lds_end_align = 0; if (binary->options.halt_at_entry) pasted_text_size += 4; for (unsigned part_idx = 0; part_idx < i.num_parts; ++part_idx) { struct ac_rtld_part *part = &binary->parts[part_idx]; unsigned part_lds_symbols_begin = util_dynarray_num_elements(&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol); part->elf = elf_memory((char *)i.elf_ptrs[part_idx], i.elf_sizes[part_idx]); report_elf_if(!part->elf); const Elf64_Ehdr *ehdr = elf64_getehdr(part->elf); report_elf_if(!ehdr); report_if(ehdr->e_machine != EM_AMDGPU); size_t section_str_index; size_t num_shdrs; report_elf_if(elf_getshdrstrndx(part->elf, §ion_str_index) < 0); report_elf_if(elf_getshdrnum(part->elf, &num_shdrs) < 0); part->num_sections = num_shdrs; part->sections = calloc(sizeof(*part->sections), num_shdrs); report_if(!part->sections); Elf_Scn *section = NULL; while ((section = elf_nextscn(part->elf, section))) { Elf64_Shdr *shdr = elf64_getshdr(section); struct ac_rtld_section *s = &part->sections[elf_ndxscn(section)]; s->name = elf_strptr(part->elf, section_str_index, shdr->sh_name); report_elf_if(!s->name); /* Cannot actually handle linked objects yet */ report_elf_if(shdr->sh_addr != 0); /* Alignment must be 0 or a power of two */ report_elf_if(shdr->sh_addralign & (shdr->sh_addralign - 1)); uint64_t sh_align = MAX2(shdr->sh_addralign, 1); if (shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC && shdr->sh_type != SHT_NOTE) { report_if(shdr->sh_flags & SHF_WRITE); s->is_rx = true; if (shdr->sh_flags & SHF_EXECINSTR) { report_elf_if(shdr->sh_size & 3); if (!strcmp(s->name, ".text")) s->is_pasted_text = true; exec_size += shdr->sh_size; } if (s->is_pasted_text) { s->offset = pasted_text_size; pasted_text_size += shdr->sh_size; } else { rx_align = align(rx_align, sh_align); rx_size = align(rx_size, sh_align); s->offset = rx_size; rx_size += shdr->sh_size; } } else if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_SYMTAB) { if (!read_private_lds_symbols(binary, part_idx, section, &lds_end_align)) goto fail; } } uint64_t part_lds_size = shared_lds_size; if (!layout_symbols(util_dynarray_element(&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol, part_lds_symbols_begin), util_dynarray_num_elements(&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol) - part_lds_symbols_begin, &part_lds_size)) goto fail; binary->lds_size = MAX2(binary->lds_size, part_lds_size); } binary->rx_end_markers = pasted_text_size; pasted_text_size += 4 * DEBUGGER_NUM_MARKERS; /* __lds_end is a special symbol that points at the end of the memory * occupied by other LDS symbols. Its alignment is taken as the * maximum of its alignment over all shader parts where it occurs. */ if (lds_end_align) { binary->lds_size = align(binary->lds_size, lds_end_align); struct ac_rtld_symbol *lds_end = util_dynarray_grow(&binary->lds_symbols, struct ac_rtld_symbol, 1); lds_end->name = "__lds_end"; lds_end->size = 0; lds_end->align = lds_end_align; lds_end->offset = binary->lds_size; lds_end->part_idx = ~0u; } if (binary->lds_size > max_lds_size) { fprintf(stderr, "ac_rtld error(2): too much LDS (used = %u, max = %u)\n", (unsigned)binary->lds_size, max_lds_size); goto fail; } /* Second pass: Adjust offsets of non-pasted text sections. */ binary->rx_size = pasted_text_size; binary->rx_size = align(binary->rx_size, rx_align); for (unsigned part_idx = 0; part_idx < i.num_parts; ++part_idx) { struct ac_rtld_part *part = &binary->parts[part_idx]; size_t num_shdrs; elf_getshdrnum(part->elf, &num_shdrs); for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_shdrs; ++j) { struct ac_rtld_section *s = &part->sections[j]; if (s->is_rx && !s->is_pasted_text) s->offset += binary->rx_size; } } binary->rx_size += rx_size; binary->exec_size = exec_size; /* The SQ fetches up to N cache lines of 16 dwords * ahead of the PC, configurable by SH_MEM_CONFIG and * S_INST_PREFETCH. This can cause two issues: * * (1) Crossing a page boundary to an unmapped page. The logic * does not distinguish between a required fetch and a "mere" * prefetch and will fault. * * (2) Prefetching instructions that will be changed for a * different shader. * * (2) is not currently an issue because we flush the I$ at IB * boundaries, but (1) needs to be addressed. Due to buffer * suballocation, we just play it safe. */ unsigned prefetch_distance = 0; if (!i.info->has_graphics && i.info->family >= CHIP_ALDEBARAN) prefetch_distance = 16; else if (i.info->chip_class >= GFX10) prefetch_distance = 3; if (prefetch_distance) binary->rx_size = align(binary->rx_size + prefetch_distance * 64, 64); return true; #undef report_if #undef report_elf_if fail: ac_rtld_close(binary); return false; } void ac_rtld_close(struct ac_rtld_binary *binary) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < binary->num_parts; ++i) { struct ac_rtld_part *part = &binary->parts[i]; free(part->sections); elf_end(part->elf); } util_dynarray_fini(&binary->lds_symbols); free(binary->parts); binary->parts = NULL; binary->num_parts = 0; } static bool get_section_by_name(struct ac_rtld_part *part, const char *name, const char **data, size_t *nbytes) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < part->num_sections; ++i) { struct ac_rtld_section *s = &part->sections[i]; if (s->name && !strcmp(name, s->name)) { Elf_Scn *target_scn = elf_getscn(part->elf, i); Elf_Data *target_data = elf_getdata(target_scn, NULL); if (!target_data) { report_elf_errorf("ac_rtld: get_section_by_name: elf_getdata"); return false; } *data = target_data->d_buf; *nbytes = target_data->d_size; return true; } } return false; } bool ac_rtld_get_section_by_name(struct ac_rtld_binary *binary, const char *name, const char **data, size_t *nbytes) { assert(binary->num_parts == 1); return get_section_by_name(&binary->parts[0], name, data, nbytes); } bool ac_rtld_read_config(const struct radeon_info *info, struct ac_rtld_binary *binary, struct ac_shader_config *config) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < binary->num_parts; ++i) { struct ac_rtld_part *part = &binary->parts[i]; const char *config_data; size_t config_nbytes; if (!get_section_by_name(part, ".AMDGPU.config", &config_data, &config_nbytes)) return false; /* TODO: be precise about scratch use? */ struct ac_shader_config c = {0}; ac_parse_shader_binary_config(config_data, config_nbytes, binary->wave_size, true, info, &c); config->num_sgprs = MAX2(config->num_sgprs, c.num_sgprs); config->num_vgprs = MAX2(config->num_vgprs, c.num_vgprs); config->spilled_sgprs = MAX2(config->spilled_sgprs, c.spilled_sgprs); config->spilled_vgprs = MAX2(config->spilled_vgprs, c.spilled_vgprs); config->scratch_bytes_per_wave = MAX2(config->scratch_bytes_per_wave, c.scratch_bytes_per_wave); assert(i == 0 || config->float_mode == c.float_mode); config->float_mode = c.float_mode; /* SPI_PS_INPUT_ENA/ADDR can't be combined. Only the value from * the main shader part is used. */ assert(config->spi_ps_input_ena == 0 && config->spi_ps_input_addr == 0); config->spi_ps_input_ena = c.spi_ps_input_ena; config->spi_ps_input_addr = c.spi_ps_input_addr; /* TODO: consistently use LDS symbols for this */ config->lds_size = MAX2(config->lds_size, c.lds_size); /* TODO: Should we combine these somehow? It's currently only * used for radeonsi's compute, where multiple parts aren't used. */ assert(config->rsrc1 == 0 && config->rsrc2 == 0); config->rsrc1 = c.rsrc1; config->rsrc2 = c.rsrc2; } return true; } static bool resolve_symbol(const struct ac_rtld_upload_info *u, unsigned part_idx, const Elf64_Sym *sym, const char *name, uint64_t *value) { /* TODO: properly disentangle the undef and the LDS cases once * STT_AMDGPU_LDS is retired. */ if (sym->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF || sym->st_shndx == SHN_AMDGPU_LDS) { const struct ac_rtld_symbol *lds_sym = find_symbol(&u->binary->lds_symbols, name, part_idx); if (lds_sym) { *value = lds_sym->offset; return true; } /* TODO: resolve from other parts */ if (u->get_external_symbol(u->cb_data, name, value)) return true; report_errorf("symbol %s: unknown", name); return false; } struct ac_rtld_part *part = &u->binary->parts[part_idx]; if (sym->st_shndx >= part->num_sections) { report_errorf("symbol %s: section out of bounds", name); return false; } struct ac_rtld_section *s = &part->sections[sym->st_shndx]; if (!s->is_rx) { report_errorf("symbol %s: bad section", name); return false; } uint64_t section_base = u->rx_va + s->offset; *value = section_base + sym->st_value; return true; } static bool apply_relocs(const struct ac_rtld_upload_info *u, unsigned part_idx, const Elf64_Shdr *reloc_shdr, const Elf_Data *reloc_data) { #define report_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_errorf(#cond); \ return false; \ } \ } while (false) #define report_elf_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_elf_errorf(#cond); \ return false; \ } \ } while (false) struct ac_rtld_part *part = &u->binary->parts[part_idx]; Elf_Scn *target_scn = elf_getscn(part->elf, reloc_shdr->sh_info); report_elf_if(!target_scn); Elf_Data *target_data = elf_getdata(target_scn, NULL); report_elf_if(!target_data); Elf_Scn *symbols_scn = elf_getscn(part->elf, reloc_shdr->sh_link); report_elf_if(!symbols_scn); Elf64_Shdr *symbols_shdr = elf64_getshdr(symbols_scn); report_elf_if(!symbols_shdr); uint32_t strtabidx = symbols_shdr->sh_link; Elf_Data *symbols_data = elf_getdata(symbols_scn, NULL); report_elf_if(!symbols_data); const Elf64_Sym *symbols = symbols_data->d_buf; size_t num_symbols = symbols_data->d_size / sizeof(Elf64_Sym); struct ac_rtld_section *s = &part->sections[reloc_shdr->sh_info]; report_if(!s->is_rx); const char *orig_base = target_data->d_buf; char *dst_base = u->rx_ptr + s->offset; uint64_t va_base = u->rx_va + s->offset; Elf64_Rel *rel = reloc_data->d_buf; size_t num_relocs = reloc_data->d_size / sizeof(*rel); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_relocs; ++i, ++rel) { size_t r_sym = ELF64_R_SYM(rel->r_info); unsigned r_type = ELF64_R_TYPE(rel->r_info); const char *orig_ptr = orig_base + rel->r_offset; char *dst_ptr = dst_base + rel->r_offset; uint64_t va = va_base + rel->r_offset; uint64_t symbol; uint64_t addend; if (r_sym == STN_UNDEF) { symbol = 0; } else { report_elf_if(r_sym >= num_symbols); const Elf64_Sym *sym = &symbols[r_sym]; const char *symbol_name = elf_strptr(part->elf, strtabidx, sym->st_name); report_elf_if(!symbol_name); if (!resolve_symbol(u, part_idx, sym, symbol_name, &symbol)) return false; } /* TODO: Should we also support .rela sections, where the * addend is part of the relocation record? */ /* Load the addend from the ELF instead of the destination, * because the destination may be in VRAM. */ switch (r_type) { case R_AMDGPU_ABS32: case R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO: case R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI: case R_AMDGPU_REL32: case R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO: case R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI: addend = *(const uint32_t *)orig_ptr; break; case R_AMDGPU_ABS64: case R_AMDGPU_REL64: addend = *(const uint64_t *)orig_ptr; break; default: report_errorf("unsupported r_type == %u", r_type); return false; } uint64_t abs = symbol + addend; switch (r_type) { case R_AMDGPU_ABS32: assert((uint32_t)abs == abs); FALLTHROUGH; case R_AMDGPU_ABS32_LO: *(uint32_t *)dst_ptr = util_cpu_to_le32(abs); break; case R_AMDGPU_ABS32_HI: *(uint32_t *)dst_ptr = util_cpu_to_le32(abs >> 32); break; case R_AMDGPU_ABS64: *(uint64_t *)dst_ptr = util_cpu_to_le64(abs); break; case R_AMDGPU_REL32: assert((int64_t)(int32_t)(abs - va) == (int64_t)(abs - va)); FALLTHROUGH; case R_AMDGPU_REL32_LO: *(uint32_t *)dst_ptr = util_cpu_to_le32(abs - va); break; case R_AMDGPU_REL32_HI: *(uint32_t *)dst_ptr = util_cpu_to_le32((abs - va) >> 32); break; case R_AMDGPU_REL64: *(uint64_t *)dst_ptr = util_cpu_to_le64(abs - va); break; default: unreachable("bad r_type"); } } return true; #undef report_if #undef report_elf_if } /** * Upload the binary or binaries to the provided GPU buffers, including * relocations. */ int ac_rtld_upload(struct ac_rtld_upload_info *u) { #define report_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_errorf(#cond); \ return -1; \ } \ } while (false) #define report_elf_if(cond) \ do { \ if ((cond)) { \ report_errorf(#cond); \ return -1; \ } \ } while (false) int size = 0; if (u->binary->options.halt_at_entry) { /* s_sethalt 1 */ *(uint32_t *)u->rx_ptr = util_cpu_to_le32(0xbf8d0001); } /* First pass: upload raw section data and lay out private LDS symbols. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < u->binary->num_parts; ++i) { struct ac_rtld_part *part = &u->binary->parts[i]; Elf_Scn *section = NULL; while ((section = elf_nextscn(part->elf, section))) { Elf64_Shdr *shdr = elf64_getshdr(section); struct ac_rtld_section *s = &part->sections[elf_ndxscn(section)]; if (!s->is_rx) continue; report_if(shdr->sh_type != SHT_PROGBITS); Elf_Data *data = elf_getdata(section, NULL); report_elf_if(!data || data->d_size != shdr->sh_size); memcpy(u->rx_ptr + s->offset, data->d_buf, shdr->sh_size); size = MAX2(size, s->offset + shdr->sh_size); } } if (u->binary->rx_end_markers) { uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *)(u->rx_ptr + u->binary->rx_end_markers); for (unsigned i = 0; i < DEBUGGER_NUM_MARKERS; ++i) *dst++ = util_cpu_to_le32(DEBUGGER_END_OF_CODE_MARKER); size += 4 * DEBUGGER_NUM_MARKERS; } /* Second pass: handle relocations, overwriting uploaded data where * appropriate. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < u->binary->num_parts; ++i) { struct ac_rtld_part *part = &u->binary->parts[i]; Elf_Scn *section = NULL; while ((section = elf_nextscn(part->elf, section))) { Elf64_Shdr *shdr = elf64_getshdr(section); if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_REL) { Elf_Data *relocs = elf_getdata(section, NULL); report_elf_if(!relocs || relocs->d_size != shdr->sh_size); if (!apply_relocs(u, i, shdr, relocs)) return -1; } else if (shdr->sh_type == SHT_RELA) { report_errorf("SHT_RELA not supported"); return -1; } } } return size; #undef report_if #undef report_elf_if }