ClearArea --------- Basically a special case of PolyFillRect. Put up some sort of image first so we can clear it away. Try both small areas and big areas, to give credit to servers for optimizing small ones. Data: Pixels per second. Breaking that down into large and small areas would probably not be useful. GC Fields: None. CopyArea -------- Putting up some image and then repeatedly copying from one part of it to another would do the right thing and could look neat if done right. We probably want to see what happens when the source area is clipped, as that as mentioned specifically in the protocol document. Data: Pixels per second. GC Fields: function (*) plane-mask subwindow-mode graphics-exposures clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask CopyPlane --------- Special case of CopyArea again. PolyPoint --------- Draw lots of points. Either start out with an image that's 50/50 black and white (preferred) or draw enough points that some points will get drawn at least twice (to test functions other than copy). Data: Points per second. GC fields: function (*) plane-mask foreground subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask PolyLine -------- Circular test like there is now. Try clipping at window boundaries? Data: Lines per second. Pixels per second (is this valid - do lines that are twice as long take twice as long to draw? Also, is it valid to compare thin lines and fat lines?) GC fields: function (*) plane-mask line-width (*) line-style (*) cap-style (*) join-style (*) fill-style (*) subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile (*) stipple (*) tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin dash-offset dashes (*) PolySegment ----------- Just like PolyLine but lines don't have to be connected. Crosshatching? Data: Lines per second, pixels per second(?) GC fields: function plane-mask line-width line-style cap-style fill-style subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin dash-offset dashes PolyRectangle ------------- Lots of five point PolyLines. Partly concentric ones would look nice; we also need overlap for testing different functions. Data: Rectangles per second. Pixels per second? (divide by perimeter) GC fields: function plane-mask line-width line-style join-style fill-style subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin dash-offset dashes PolyArc ------- Overlapping concentric things (ripples) would look cool. Is it possible to special-case circles? Test for this? Data: Arcs per second? If we had the same test each time this might be OK. Pixels per second? Finding the length of an arc could be annoying. GC fields: function plane-mask line-width line-style cap-style join-style fill-style subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin dash-offset dashes FillPoly -------- Use the same test as PolyLine? Overlapping is a must to test functions. Convex vs. Concave polygons. Data: Pixels per second, I guess. Data for convex vs. concave could be interesting. GC fields: function plane-mask fill-style fill-rule subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin PolyFillRectangle ----------------- Use same test as PolyRectangle? Perhaps give FillPoly some of these too, see if it special cases them. Fill Rectangle vs. Fill Poly for same size areas would be an interesting comparison. Data: Pixels per second. GC fields: function plane-mask fill-style subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin PolyFillArc ----------- Use same test as PolyArc? Data: Pixels per second would be hard to compute, but what else is there? GC fields: function plane-mask fill-style arc-mode subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin PutImage -------- GC fields: function plane-mask subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background GetImage -------- PolyText8 --------- GC fields: function plane-mask fill-style font subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask Possibly foreground background tile stipple tile-stipple-x-origin tile-stipple-y-origin PolyText16 ---------- ImageText8 ---------- GC fields: plane-mask foreground background font subwindow-mode clip-x-origin clip-y-origin clip-mask ImageText16 ---------