/* * Copyright © 2014 Broadcom * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** @file vc4_tiling.c * * Handles information about the VC4 tiling formats, and loading and storing * from them. * * Texture mipmap levels on VC4 are (with the exception of 32-bit RGBA raster * textures for scanout) stored as groups of microtiles. If the texture is at * least 4x4 microtiles (utiles), then those microtiles are arranged in a sort * of Hilbert-fractal-ish layout (T), otherwise the microtiles are in raster * order (LT). * * Specifically, the T format has: * * - 64b utiles of pixels in a raster-order grid according to cpp. It's 4x4 * pixels at 32 bit depth. * * - 1k subtiles made of a 4x4 raster-order grid of 64b utiles (so usually * 16x16 pixels). * * - 4k tiles made of a 2x2 grid of 1k subtiles (so usually 32x32 pixels). On * even 4k tile rows, they're arranged as (BL, TL, TR, BR), and on odd rows * they're (TR, BR, BL, TL), where bottom left is start of memory. * * - an image made of 4k tiles in rows either left-to-right (even rows of 4k * tiles) or right-to-left (odd rows of 4k tiles). */ #include "vc4_screen.h" #include "vc4_context.h" #include "vc4_tiling.h" /** * The texture unit decides what tiling format a particular miplevel is using * this function, so we lay out our miptrees accordingly. */ bool vc4_size_is_lt(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int cpp) { return (width <= 4 * vc4_utile_width(cpp) || height <= 4 * vc4_utile_height(cpp)); } /** * Takes a utile x and y (and the number of utiles of width of the image) and * returns the offset to the utile within a VC4_TILING_FORMAT_TF image. */ static uint32_t t_utile_address(uint32_t utile_x, uint32_t utile_y, uint32_t utile_stride) { /* T images have to be aligned to 8 utiles (4x4 subtiles, which are * 2x2 in a 4k tile). */ assert(!(utile_stride & 7)); uint32_t tile_stride = utile_stride >> 3; /* 4k tile offsets. */ uint32_t tile_x = utile_x >> 3; uint32_t tile_y = utile_y >> 3; bool odd_tile_y = tile_y & 1; /* Odd lines of 4k tiles go right-to-left. */ if (odd_tile_y) tile_x = tile_stride - tile_x - 1; uint32_t tile_offset = 4096 * (tile_y * tile_stride + tile_x); uint32_t stile_x = (utile_x >> 2) & 1; uint32_t stile_y = (utile_y >> 2) & 1; uint32_t stile_index = (stile_y << 1) + stile_x; static const uint32_t odd_stile_map[4] = {2, 1, 3, 0}; static const uint32_t even_stile_map[4] = {0, 3, 1, 2}; uint32_t stile_offset = 1024 * (odd_tile_y ? odd_stile_map[stile_index] : even_stile_map[stile_index]); /* This function no longer handles the utile offset within a subtile. * Walking subtiles is the job of the LT image handler. */ assert(!(utile_x & 3) && !(utile_y & 3)); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "utile %d,%d -> %d + %d + %d (stride %d,%d) = %d\n", utile_x, utile_y, tile_offset, stile_offset, utile_offset, utile_stride, tile_stride, tile_offset + stile_offset + utile_offset); #endif return tile_offset + stile_offset; } /** * Loads or stores a T texture image by breaking it down into subtiles * (1024-byte, 4x4-utile) sub-images that we can use the LT tiling functions * on. */ static inline void vc4_t_image_helper(void *gpu, uint32_t gpu_stride, void *cpu, uint32_t cpu_stride, int cpp, const struct pipe_box *box, bool to_cpu) { uint32_t utile_w = vc4_utile_width(cpp); uint32_t utile_h = vc4_utile_height(cpp); uint32_t utile_w_shift = ffs(utile_w) - 1; uint32_t utile_h_shift = ffs(utile_h) - 1; uint32_t stile_w = 4 * utile_w; uint32_t stile_h = 4 * utile_h; assert(stile_w * stile_h * cpp == 1024); uint32_t utile_stride = gpu_stride / cpp / utile_w; uint32_t x1 = box->x; uint32_t y1 = box->y; uint32_t x2 = box->x + box->width; uint32_t y2 = box->y + box->height; struct pipe_box partial_box; uint32_t gpu_lt_stride = stile_w * cpp; for (uint32_t y = y1; y < y2; y = align(y + 1, stile_h)) { partial_box.y = y & (stile_h - 1); partial_box.height = MIN2(y2 - y, stile_h - partial_box.y); uint32_t cpu_offset = 0; for (uint32_t x = x1; x < x2; x = align(x + 1, stile_w)) { partial_box.x = x & (stile_w - 1); partial_box.width = MIN2(x2 - x, stile_w - partial_box.x); /* The dst offset we want is the start of this * subtile */ uint32_t gpu_offset = t_utile_address((x >> utile_w_shift) & ~0x3, (y >> utile_h_shift) & ~0x3, utile_stride); if (to_cpu) { vc4_load_lt_image(cpu + cpu_offset, cpu_stride, gpu + gpu_offset, gpu_lt_stride, cpp, &partial_box); } else { vc4_store_lt_image(gpu + gpu_offset, gpu_lt_stride, cpu + cpu_offset, cpu_stride, cpp, &partial_box); } cpu_offset += partial_box.width * cpp; } cpu += cpu_stride * partial_box.height; } } static void vc4_store_t_image(void *dst, uint32_t dst_stride, void *src, uint32_t src_stride, int cpp, const struct pipe_box *box) { vc4_t_image_helper(dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, cpp, box, false); } static void vc4_load_t_image(void *dst, uint32_t dst_stride, void *src, uint32_t src_stride, int cpp, const struct pipe_box *box) { vc4_t_image_helper(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, cpp, box, true); } /** * Loads pixel data from the start (microtile-aligned) box in \p src to the * start of \p dst according to the given tiling format. */ void vc4_load_tiled_image(void *dst, uint32_t dst_stride, void *src, uint32_t src_stride, uint8_t tiling_format, int cpp, const struct pipe_box *box) { if (tiling_format == VC4_TILING_FORMAT_LT) { vc4_load_lt_image(dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, cpp, box); } else { assert(tiling_format == VC4_TILING_FORMAT_T); vc4_load_t_image(dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, cpp, box); } } /** * Stores pixel data from the start of \p src into a (microtile-aligned) box in * \p dst according to the given tiling format. */ void vc4_store_tiled_image(void *dst, uint32_t dst_stride, void *src, uint32_t src_stride, uint8_t tiling_format, int cpp, const struct pipe_box *box) { if (tiling_format == VC4_TILING_FORMAT_LT) { vc4_store_lt_image(dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, cpp, box); } else { assert(tiling_format == VC4_TILING_FORMAT_T); vc4_store_t_image(dst, dst_stride, src, src_stride, cpp, box); } }