#ifndef EGLDISPATCHSTUBS_H #define EGLDISPATCHSTUBS_H #include "glvnd/libeglabi.h" // These variables are all generated along with the dispatch stubs. extern const int __EGL_DISPATCH_FUNC_COUNT; extern const char * const __EGL_DISPATCH_FUNC_NAMES[]; extern int __EGL_DISPATCH_FUNC_INDICES[]; extern const __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType __EGL_DISPATCH_FUNCS[]; void __eglInitDispatchStubs(const __EGLapiExports *exportsTable); void __eglSetDispatchIndex(const char *name, int index); /** * Returns the dispatch function for the given name, or \c NULL if the function * isn't supported. */ void *__eglDispatchFindDispatchFunction(const char *name); // Helper functions used by the generated stubs. __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType __eglDispatchFetchByDisplay(EGLDisplay dpy, int index); __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType __eglDispatchFetchByDevice(EGLDeviceEXT dpy, int index); __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType __eglDispatchFetchByCurrent(int index); #endif // EGLDISPATCHSTUBS_H