/* $NetBSD: io.c,v 1.237 2025/01/04 10:28:08 rillig Exp $ */ /*- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-4-Clause * * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include __RCSID("$NetBSD: io.c,v 1.237 2025/01/04 10:28:08 rillig Exp $"); #include #include #include "indent.h" struct input_state in = { .token_end_line = 1, }; struct output_state out; enum indent_enabled indent_enabled; static int out_ind; /* width of the line that is being written */ static unsigned newlines = 2; /* the total of written and buffered newlines; * 0 in the middle of a line, 1 after a single * finished line, anything > 1 are trailing * blank lines */ static unsigned buffered_newlines; /* not yet written */ static int paren_indent; /* total indentation when parenthesized */ static void inp_read_next_line(void) { buf_clear(&in.line); for (;;) { int ch = getc(in.f); if (ch == EOF) { if (indent_enabled == indent_on) { buf_add_char(&in.line, ' '); buf_add_char(&in.line, '\n'); } had_eof = true; break; } if (ch != '\0') buf_add_char(&in.line, (char)ch); if (ch == '\n') break; } buf_terminate(&in.line); in.p = in.line.s; } void inp_read_line(void) { if (indent_enabled == indent_on) buf_clear(&out.indent_off_text); buf_add_chars(&out.indent_off_text, in.line.s, in.line.len); inp_read_next_line(); } void inp_skip(void) { in.p++; if ((size_t)(in.p - in.line.s) >= in.line.len) inp_read_line(); } char inp_next(void) { char ch = in.p[0]; inp_skip(); return ch; } static void add_buffered_newline(void) { buffered_newlines++; newlines++; out_ind = 0; } static void write_buffered_newlines(void) { for (; buffered_newlines > 0; buffered_newlines--) { if (fputc('\n', output) == EOF) err(1, "cannot write output"); debug_println("write_newline"); } } static void write_range(const char *s, size_t len) { write_buffered_newlines(); if (fwrite(s, 1, len, output) != len) err(1, "cannot write output"); debug_printf("write_range "); debug_vis_range(s, len); debug_println(""); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) newlines = s[i] == '\n' ? newlines + 1 : 0; out_ind = ind_add(out_ind, s, len); } static void write_indent(int new_ind) { write_buffered_newlines(); int ind = out_ind; if (opt.use_tabs) { int n = new_ind / opt.tabsize - ind / opt.tabsize; if (n > 0) { ind = ind - ind % opt.tabsize + n * opt.tabsize; while (n-- > 0) if (fputc('\t', output) == EOF) err(1, "cannot write output"); newlines = 0; } } for (; ind < new_ind; ind++) { if (fputc(' ', output) == EOF) err(1, "cannot write output"); newlines = 0; } debug_println("write_indent %d", ind); out_ind = ind; } static bool want_blank_line(void) { debug_println("%s: %s -> %s", __func__, line_kind_name[out.prev_line_kind], line_kind_name[out.line_kind]); debug_blank_line(); if (((ps.blank_line_after_decl && ps.declaration == decl_no) || ps.badp == badp_yes) && (lab.len > 0 || code.len > 0)) { ps.blank_line_after_decl = false; ps.badp = badp_none; return true; } if (opt.blank_line_around_conditional_compilation) { if (out.prev_line_kind != lk_pre_if && out.line_kind == lk_pre_if) return true; if (out.prev_line_kind == lk_pre_endif && out.line_kind != lk_pre_endif) return true; } if (opt.blank_line_after_proc && out.prev_line_kind == lk_func_end && out.line_kind != lk_pre_endif && out.line_kind != lk_pre_other) return true; if (opt.blank_line_before_block_comment && out.line_kind == lk_block_comment) return true; return false; } static bool is_blank_line_optional(void) { if (out.prev_line_kind == lk_stmt_head) return newlines >= 1; if (ps.psyms.len >= 3) return newlines >= 2; return newlines >= 3; } static int compute_case_label_indent(void) { size_t i = ps.psyms.len - 1; while (i > 0 && ps.psyms.sym[i] != psym_switch_expr) i--; float case_ind = (float)ps.psyms.ind_level[i] + opt.case_indent; // TODO: case_ind may become negative here. return (int)(case_ind * (float)opt.indent_size); } int compute_label_indent(void) { if (out.line_kind == lk_case_or_default) return compute_case_label_indent(); if (lab.s[0] == '#') return 0; // TODO: the indentation may become negative here. return opt.indent_size * (ps.ind_level - 2); } static void output_line_label(void) { write_indent(compute_label_indent()); write_range(lab.s, lab.len); } static int compute_lined_up_code_indent(int base_ind) { int ind = paren_indent; int overflow = ind_add(ind, code.s, code.len) - opt.max_line_length; if (overflow >= 0 && ind_add(base_ind, code.s, code.len) < opt.max_line_length) { ind -= 2 + overflow; if (ind < base_ind) ind = base_ind; } if (ps.extra_expr_indent != eei_no && ind == base_ind + opt.indent_size) ind += opt.continuation_indent; return ind; } int compute_code_indent(void) { int base_ind = ps.ind_level * opt.indent_size; if (ps.ind_paren_level == 0) { if (ps.line_is_stmt_cont) return base_ind + opt.continuation_indent; return base_ind; } if (opt.lineup_to_parens) { if (opt.lineup_to_parens_always) return paren_indent; return compute_lined_up_code_indent(base_ind); } int rel_ind = opt.continuation_indent * ps.ind_paren_level; if (ps.extra_expr_indent != eei_no && rel_ind == opt.indent_size) rel_ind += opt.continuation_indent; return base_ind + rel_ind; } static void output_line_code(void) { int target_ind = compute_code_indent(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ps.paren.len; i++) { int paren_ind = ps.paren.item[i].indent; if (paren_ind >= 0) { ps.paren.item[i].indent = -1 - (paren_ind + target_ind); debug_println( "setting paren_indents[%zu] from %d to %d " "for column %d", i, paren_ind, ps.paren.item[i].indent, target_ind + 1); } } if (lab.len > 0 && target_ind <= out_ind) write_range(" ", 1); write_indent(target_ind); write_range(code.s, code.len); } static void output_comment(void) { int target_ind = ps.comment_ind; const char *p; if (ps.comment_cont) target_ind += ps.comment_shift; ps.comment_cont = true; /* consider the original indentation in case this is a box comment */ for (p = com.s; *p == '\t'; p++) target_ind += opt.tabsize; for (; target_ind < 0; p++) { if (*p == ' ') target_ind++; else if (*p == '\t') target_ind = next_tab(target_ind); else { target_ind = 0; break; } } if (out_ind > target_ind) add_buffered_newline(); while (com.s + com.len > p && ch_isspace(com.s[com.len - 1])) com.len--; buf_terminate(&com); write_indent(target_ind); write_range(p, com.len - (size_t)(p - com.s)); } /* * Write a line of formatted source to the output file. The line consists of * the label, the code and the comment. */ static void output_indented_line(void) { if (lab.len == 0 && code.len == 0 && com.len == 0) out.line_kind = lk_blank; if (want_blank_line() && newlines < 2 && out.line_kind != lk_blank) add_buffered_newline(); /* This kludge aligns function definitions correctly. */ if (ps.ind_level == 0) ps.line_is_stmt_cont = false; if (opt.blank_line_after_decl && ps.declaration == decl_end && ps.psyms.len > 2) { ps.declaration = decl_no; ps.blank_line_after_decl = true; } if (opt.swallow_optional_blank_lines && out.line_kind == lk_blank && is_blank_line_optional()) return; if (lab.len > 0) output_line_label(); if (code.len > 0) output_line_code(); if (com.len > 0) output_comment(); add_buffered_newline(); if (out.line_kind != lk_blank) write_buffered_newlines(); out.prev_line_kind = out.line_kind; } static bool is_stmt_cont(void) { if (ps.psyms.len >= 2 && ps.psyms.sym[ps.psyms.len - 2] == psym_lbrace_enum && ps.prev_lsym == lsym_comma && ps.paren.len == 0) return false; return ps.in_stmt_or_decl && (!ps.in_decl || ps.in_init) && ps.init_level == 0; } static void prepare_next_line(void) { ps.line_has_decl = ps.in_decl; ps.line_has_func_def = false; ps.line_is_stmt_cont = is_stmt_cont(); ps.decl_indent_done = false; if (ps.extra_expr_indent == eei_last) ps.extra_expr_indent = eei_no; if (!(ps.psyms.sym[ps.psyms.len - 1] == psym_if_expr_stmt_else && ps.paren.len > 0)) ps.ind_level = ps.ind_level_follow; ps.ind_paren_level = (int)ps.paren.len; ps.want_blank = false; if ((ps.badp == badp_seen_lbrace || ps.badp == badp_seen_decl) && !ps.in_decl) ps.badp = badp_yes; if (ps.paren.len > 0) { /* TODO: explain what negative indentation means */ paren_indent = -1 - ps.paren.item[ps.paren.len - 1].indent; debug_println("paren_indent is now %d", paren_indent); } out.line_kind = lk_other; } void output_line(void) { debug_blank_line(); debug_buffers(__func__); if (indent_enabled == indent_on) output_indented_line(); else if (indent_enabled == indent_last_off_line) { indent_enabled = indent_on; write_range(out.indent_off_text.s, out.indent_off_text.len); buf_clear(&out.indent_off_text); } buf_clear(&lab); buf_clear(&code); buf_clear(&com); prepare_next_line(); } void finish_output(void) { output_line(); if (indent_enabled != indent_on) { indent_enabled = indent_last_off_line; output_line(); } if (fflush(output) != 0) err(1, "output file"); }